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  • 如何訂購 HOW TO ORDER
    ▶ 現貨販售 / 7-11 超商取貨付款 : 至官網的''SHOP''頁面裡訂購,訂單滿五百元免運,並隨包裹附贈小禮物,現貨會在三天內寄出,若為預售則按照預定日期寄出。 新品消息請關注文具人格IG:stationery_instinct ▶ PINKOI: 方便無法使用PAYPAL付款的國際訂單需求,因平台有成本考量,故不提供免運優惠、小禮物,建議搭配PINKOI平台提供的優惠使用。 / ▶ 中港澳 : 請填寫在''SHOP''頁面裡的中港澳訂購表單,我們將會寄發PAYPAL帳單給您。 ▶ Worldwide : Please fill out the order form on the shop page.We will send the PayPal invoice to you. ▶ PINKOI: If you are unable to pay with PayPal, you can use a Visa, MasterCard, or JCB credit or debit card, as well as Apple Pay and Alipay, on PINKOI. However, please note that we do not offer gifts, and the shipping fee may be higher compared to our online shop. You can check the shipping fee on PINKOI. ❚ stationery_instinct PINKOI:
  • 付款 / 運送方式 / 運費 ( 台灣 )
    ▮運送方式 ( 請注意運費優惠可能隨每次販售不同而有變動 ) ● 7-11 超商取貨付款 : 運費為35元,滿500元免運 ❈ 系統會提供訂單編號供查詢使用 ❈ 訂單明細將會使用 7-11 平台提供的格式
  • 付款 / 運送方式 / 運費 ( 中港澳 )
    ❈ 收件資料請用中文填寫 ▮付款方式:若無法直接匯款至台灣郵局帳號,僅提供 PAYPAL 付款 (若可直接匯款至台灣郵局帳號,但收件地址為中港澳,請私訊文具人格 IG 另外幫您處理訂單) ▮運送方式:一律使用順豐到付,寄件後將會寄電子郵件提供包裹追蹤號碼,寄出後約3-4天即可到貨, (預計抵達時效因疫情、節假日、天氣、交通管制等原因不同日期時間查詢會有所差異) ▮運費:按照順豐計價,通常運費為台幣100-200元不等,會隨重量、匯率而有所不同
    ▮PAYMENT:Only via PayPal ▮ SHIPPING:Air mail ( Postal Parcel ) ,We will email you the tracking number once the package has been sent. ❈ Due to the impact of COVID-19, airmail services to all destinations may experience delays. ❈ If air mail services to your country are suspended, we will have to cancel your order. We hope for your kind understanding. ▮ Est. Delivery : ▮ Air mail service is available to 38 destinations : ▮ Shipping Fee : • Japan、Korea、Singapore、Malaysia : NT$150 • Europe、United Kingdom : NT$220 • America 、Canada: NT$250 • Others : We will inform you of the invoice after checking the shipping fee.
    1. 辦理退換貨時,商品必須為『全新未經使用』狀態 2. 請在收到商品七天內私訊文具人格 IG 辦理退換貨,超過七天恕無法辦理 3. 若為商品瑕疵,退換貨郵資皆由文具人格負擔 Please ensure that your return is in its original state and packaging. Returns must be made within 7 days of receiving your order. We offer free returns or exchanges for defective products.
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